This section indicates the shipping options available for products sold and shipped by PERÓ.
For any further information please contact us by email:
Shipping options may vary based on the weight, size of the item and the delivery address.
If when you place the order, you cannot select or view a specific shipping option, it means that that option is not available for your address or for the selected item because it does not meet certain criteria such as size, category, product availability. The system will automatically identify the shipping option available during the order process.
The delivery times indicated refer exclusively to available items and run from the time the item is shipped.
Shipping options:
Standard Shipping: 5-15 days
The speed of delivery varies according to the request and can reach up to 35 days in exceptional cases.
Cost: Free
Covid-19: Delays in shipments up to 20-30 days
Depending on the availability and location of the product, delivery times may vary.